For A-Kon’s 25th year anniversary, they pulled in some pretty heavy weight when it comes to music. GEEKS, a punk-esque band, opened the night with a hard rocking drive that had fans jumping throughout their performance. Many fans might not have been previously unaware of this band, yet before the night was over, they undoubtedly won quite a few new ones.
When one thinks of punk shows in the 90s, high energy comes to mind. A passionate and alive crowd that’s a hair shy of moshing, fists in the air and fans moving in the kind of turbulent tide that promises violence but doesn’t deliver savagery. Even the sounds were reminiscent of ‘old school’ punk with a modern flair that drew one in without hesitation. Each member demonstrated skill and the same kind of energy the crowd gave until the last note where screams sounded for more. Have a taste!
GEEKS Youtube:
The headliner for the evening was none other than Ra:IN; Rock and INspiration, a band formed by Pata, and includes Michiaki, DIE and Ryuichi. In this day and age, an instrumental band feels like an ambitious endeavor. With the strong musical talents of Ra:IN, however, it seems more like providence, perhaps.
When Ra:IN took the stage, a hushed crowd ignited to one of excitement before the first note sounded. When the lights shown on the members, the anticipation in the room was palpable. As they moved into the first song, fans seemed to move with the ebb and flow of the melody, moving as a well knit wave. When the music turned up the tempo, so did the crowd. With the lack of vocals, it was perhaps easier to focus on individual members, what each did with his instrument and how his expressions offered visual nuances to what they played.
All in all, Ra:IN was truly an experience definitely worth witnessing live. They’ve played in multiple places around the world, so keep an eye out for them! Here’s a little taste of their music, live.
Ra:IN Facebook:
Ra:IN Youtube: