Want a chance to see the GazettE in New York City on April 29? You’re in luck! JrockRevolution.com is giving away two pairs of tickets!
Winners will be d...
Do you blog often? Interested in a weekly or monthly column on JRockRevolution.com?
Are you an artist? Interested in a weekly or monthly strip on JRockRe...
Since Rock Band announced an end to its weekly DLC, Downloadable Content, (Rock Band Network DLC continues, insofar as I know), it seemed few new avenues we...
What makes an event go from awesome to utterly spectacular?
As fans, we help elevate the bands we love and we have an opportunity to have one action bene...
Where do you rock these days? Facebook only? Twitter addict? What apps are on your phone and where do you go to the most for your online social news and inf...
Join JRockRevolution.com for a night of fierce competition and awesome prizes!
Band by band, you'll go head to head with other fans featuring the two songs...
Created by Japanese rock superstar YOSHIKI of X JAPAN, Jrock Revolution, the first multi-artist music festival in North America to exclusive...