Hopefully this will answer any questions you have about the website!
What is www.jrockrevolution.com?
Created by Japanese rock superstar YOSHIKI of X JAPAN, Jrock Revolution, the first multi-artist music festival in North America to exclusively showcase Japanese rock music (Jrock for short) straight from Japan, launched May 25, 2007 at the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Hosting a variety of artists, some of which have already performed and released albums in Europe, the U.S., and Japan, Jrock Revolution answered the wishes of curious music lovers and tens of thousands of Jrock fans alike. The sold-out festival ran from May 25-26 featured alice nine., Vidoll, DuelJewel, Kagrra,, Miyavi, D’espairsRay, Merry, girugamesh, and MUCC.
The Jrock Revolution Festival 1 spawned as the brainchild of YOSHIKI. With his ear for talent and intent to please audiences, YOSHIKI sensed the desires of Jrock fans and the desire for new music by all music fans. As the mentor and producer of globally successful Jrock bands such as Dir en grey, YOSHIKI is also responsible for introducing this pool of Japanese rock talent to an ever-growing stateside audience. Jrock Revolution Festival 1 was managed by event production company 4 Fini, Inc., which produces the popular Vans Warped and Rockstar Taste of Chaos festival tours.
Following the festival, our website continued as a destination site for fans of Japanese rock around the world. You will find interviews, live reports, fashion coverage and general information about events pertaining to Japanese rock and fashion around the world and even in Japan. We have cultivated a network comprised of correspondents as well as contacts with managements and labels to provide you with the best information about bands as they tour.