Since S.K.I.N.’s first concert in Anime Expo, there has been a million questions about S.K.I.N. floating around the internet! JRR is helping to clear up misconceptions and answer the many questions fans have.
What’s the official S.K.I.N. website? MySpace?
There isn’t either.
But there’s a ton of MySpaces and fansites…how do we know if they’re real or not?
Most fansites should, in theory, say "fansite" or "unofficial". If you have questions about authenticity, please feel free to e-mail us your questions.
Why does S.K.I.N. not have an official page yet?
That information is not available.
What about and their forums?
The website and the forums are not official. If you see a fan write that it is official, please correct them.
Which is correct, SKIN or S.K.I.N.?
What does S.K.I.N. stand for?
That information is not available. It has not even been confirmed that S.K.I.N. even stands for anything.
Will a DVD be released of the first S.K.I.N. concert?
That information is not available, although the concert was recorded.
When will a CD/single/mini-album be released?
That information is not available.
Will S.K.I.N. be touring America, coming to the East Coast, or Europe?
When YOSHIKI announced the formation of a band with Gackt at Otakon last year, he stated that they planned to tour America. However, any future information is unavailable.
Can I buy S.K.I.N. merchandise online?
As of now, there isn’t any information on a retail store nor does one exist. Eventually, yes, there will be though.
I want to make a S.K.I.N. fansite or fan-made MySpace, how can I legally do this?
Here’s a couple pointers about what NOT to do:
-Use photos of the S.K.I.N. concert that you do not have permission to use.
-Post mp3s that you bootlegged from the S.K.I.N. concert.
-Post video that you bootlegged from the S.K.I.N. concert.
-Post the articles and information posted from the Jrock Revolution website without permission.
-Steal images from
-Post news that is unconfirmed, untrue, or inaccurate.
-Do all of the above and try to friend us on MySpace. JRR can not accept any friend requests by any unofficial S.K.I.N. MySpaces, we apologize.
It is understood that fans like to support the artists they love, and that is generally tolerated as long as the rules are followed.
If ANYONE wants to post our articles, we will allow this ONLY under the rule that you post the first paragraph or so, then link back to