Anime Los Angeles is hosting a fashion show called Free Walk, and they need walkers and gawkers!


Here are the details, tell your friends:

For Attendees:
-ALA runs from Jan 4 – 6th (Friday – Sun), 2009 at the LAX Marriot. Free Walk is on Sunday, the 6th.
-Attendees can buy a full weekend pass, but the fashion show is on Sunday. A Sunday pass is only $20 a person (cheaper than most concerts and cons!).
-Free Walk runs from 1 pm – 2 pm (including photo time)

-You do not have a design something new for this event, it can be an older creation.
-Models may only model clothing you created.
-Said clothing and design has to be a branch of Japanese street fashion.
-Designers still have to pay entrance fee as well as their models do.
-Those participating have to do a walk-through from 12 pm – 1 pm.
-You will provided with water and fruit.

If you have ANY interest in parading down the runaway, you can contact Victoria, the programming coordinator, at aclockworkalice at gmail dot com. Please include a description of your outfit. Please note that on the ALA website, it says the deadline has expired, but Victoria is still accepting designers.

We hope to see some fans there^^

For more information on ALA, check out the site HERE.

If you want to talk about it, it’s on our forum HERE.