As many of you are aware, Jrock Revolution Community Forums were attacked by a hacker on Friday, August 10, 2007. We apologize for the inconvenience that it has brought many community members, and are working to repair the forums as soon as possible. We expect the forums to be fully restored within the next 24 to 48 hours.
When our server crashed a month ago due to the heavy volume of traffic, we were both awed and amused by the incident being that it illustrated the height of Jrock Revolution’s popularity. Unfortunately, we cannot make light of this situation. Hacking is a crime. There is nothing amusing about it. It is a felony, and will be treated as such.
We appreciate your support and patience as we work through this incident.
Jrock Revolution is committed to providing a quality forum and quality services to its members, and appreciates everyone’s support through this trying time.