Thanks to everyone who submitted to Share Your eXperience! The clear outstanding submission of a great eXperience came to us from multiple Jrock fans in Brazil, who reported attending Brazil’s first Jrock concert!
United at a live for the band CHARLOTTE, Brazilian Jrock fans crossed their arms in the sign of the X to celebrate their love for X JAPAN!
Thanks to everyone who wrote to us to let us know and to everyone in Brazil who came out in support of this important concert. Continue for a live report submitted by one of our Brazilian readers, and for another photo that captured this eXcellent moment.
CHARLOTTE Live Report from Brazil
On November 10th of 2007, Brazil had its first Jrock concert! The Oshare Kei band CHARLOTTE came to our country and played in Sao Paulo for a crowd of over 1100 Jrock fans.
Before CHARLOTTE played on the stage, two Brazilian Jrock cover bands played songs from Kagrra,, Kagerou, Dir En Grey, LUNA SEA, and other Jrock bands.
When they finished the show, the staff set up for the CHARLOTTE concert. While the people were waiting for this historical event, some staff members stayed to talk with them. They talked about the spreading of J-Music in Brazil, the importance of this concert as a first step and also, the return of the one most important rock band in Japan: X Japan!
Just from hearing their name, the crowd went crazy and started to shout it out! To capture this moment, the producers asked for one of the press members to take a picture of everyone doing an "X" sign. Without hesitation, the whole auditorium did it! And everybody was happy for the news, the new song in SAW IV and the picture.
As well, the CHARLOTTE show was a huge success! The band members were very energetic and kind to the fans. And the fans were very receptive. They followed them from the airport to the hotel, from the hotel to the stage. You could feel their eager desire to see the CHARLOTTE show and possible future Jrock concerts in Brazil.
This was an important moment for every single person involved in it. It was a moment that showed us that music has no barriers. Different cultures, despite the distance, can share the same love. The love for music.
Thanks to: The site Otaku Brasil who took the picture and authorized me to send it. The concert producer Yamato Corporation and NERVE, which made our dream to see a Jrock band in Brazil come true. To CHARLOTTE for the amazing concert. To my friends Monique and Fernanda without whom it would not be possible for me to be there. To the orkut community "X Japan Brasil" for the support. And especially, to every single person who shared the same happiness in the auditorium and did an "X" sign.
Edited by Misha
Photos Courtesy of Otaku Brasil
This wraps up our FOREVER X JAPAN special, but we will continue to follow X JAPAN‘s activities and keep all of you up to date and informed. Thanks to all of our readers!