Interview with KagrraKagrra, hosts a soothing rock sound to pair with the a decreasing visual style. They were the first band to take the stage at the JRock Revolution Festival. JRR had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Kaggra,, about Japanese music, the United States, and their band history.

JRR: Kagrra, developed a unique “visual kei” look. Why did you decide to abandon the extreme costumes and makeup as well as the traditional Japanese instruments?

Kagrra,: Visual Kei fashion just expresses part of the music. We hope that people would understand and identify Kagrra, with our sound. So we think is would be more natural for us to become simple in style.

JRR: How did you become involved with J-Rock Revolution?

Kagrra,: We have been offered to be in events in the US before, but first, we wanted to feel completely confident in Japan. So now, we feel it’s time to enter U.S. soil and show the US what we are capable of.

JRR: Do you think J-rock Revolution will differ from or be similar to your past musical experiences? What do you expect from the festival as performers and musicians? As artists?

Kagrra,: We have done many lives in Japan, and so we hope to expect a similar reaction from the audience. We hope to see the audience full of energy and passion.

JRR: What kind of impact do you want your performance leave? What kind of effect do you think the festival will have overall?

Kagrra,: Other bands prepared a special “JRR set list” to appeal to the US audience in a short amount of time. This may include certain singles or something Japanese. Instead, we decided perform the same as we would in Japan.

JRR: Were you able to visit any other places other than the concert venue?

Kagrra,: We went to Universal Studio, Hollywood. We rode mostly all the rides there, but the “Mummy” was our favorite.

JRR: If you could describe your music in three words, what would they be?

Kagrra,: Nationalism, Japan Beauty, Excitement

JRR: How was the transition from being an Indies artist to a Major artist like?

Kagrra,: We had dreamed about becoming major. We still have the same prospective, but now we have more freedom as well as responsibilities to undertake.

JRR: What music have you listened to recently?

Isshi: Healing music “Pure”

Akiya: Linkin park

Nao: A variety of music : Bon Jovi (it’s a lie; laughs)

Shin: Japanese music called “Yama Gen”

JRR: What are your future plans for the next 5 and 10 years?

Kagrra,: We would like to be 10 times bigger than we are now. Though it may only be baby steps at a time, we hope to go forward as Kagrra,. We want to offer excitement and inspirations through our music.

JRR: Would you ever consider living outside of Japan?

Kagrra,: We visited Beverly Hills, and we thought it was so pretty: so much green and fresh air. It would be nice to live there.

JRR: A message to American fans:

Kagrra,: Many bands have come from Japan saying “We are from Japan and this is Japanese music,” but Kagrra, is the real Japanese music! We hope we can be your first “real” Japanese music experience, and we want you to enjoy our music. We are looking forward to being in the US with you all!

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