Everyone, please keep in mind that while our poll was to gauge interest in the bands that fans want to see in Rock Band, that’s no guarantee that any of these bands would appear as Downloadable Content (DLC) for current or future Rock Band releases.


Fans! We appreciate your enthusiasm for the polling, however, due to extensive abuse of stacking votes, the poll will only be available as one vote per IP address. Only the first vote cast will be counted towards the overall tally. We realize there may be more than one individual per household wishing to vote. Unfortunately, there were some individuals who voted up to 40 times for a single band that would have drastically skewed the overall results and it’s imperative that we’re able present a good sample to Harmonix and Rock Band.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your votes, everyone! Let other fans know to vote for your favorite bands to make sure they’re represented!


What is Rock Band? “genre-defining, cultural phenomenon…the highest-rated music/rhythm game ever.”

Rock Band was developed by Harmonix as a game where fans can play to their favorite songs by their favorite artists. Since its release, it’s become one of the most popular games for that reason. From top 40 songs, to classics to the “who’s this band now?”, Rock Band has included some of the biggest names in the music world.

What does Rock Band mean for Jrock?

This year, Harmonix and Rock Band announced the opening of the Rock Band Network, a system developed to allow artists, labels and managements to author tracks for the Rock Band marketplace. Already, fans of Rock Band have clamored to have this or that artist or song up for download. In an interesting and exciting turn of events, Harmonix approached in order for us to find out—what Jrock artists do our fans want to see on Rock Band?

It’s an excellent question.

What Jrock artists do fans really want to see on Rock Band?

Rather than give you a list of ten of our picks, we’re doing something different. We’re leaving it up to YOU, the fans, to tell US who you think ought to be in Rock Band. Our first poll will run for about 2 weeks and it’s up to you to tell your friends, community, forums and sites to vote for your favorite artists!

Who knows – Rock Band just might include them for download and you’ll be jamming to those awesome tunes in the future!

A Few Rules – just a few!

You may vote for up to ten Japanese artists/bands at one time.
You may vote for ten bands, one band ten times, or any combination thereof!
Anyone around the world may vote in these polls BUT any songs that are added to the Rock Band Network and/or Marketplace for download will only be available to consumers in North America.

Rock Band is currently not available in Japan.

Voting is now OPEN, so spread the word! Remember – YOUR VOTE MATTERS!

Need a banner to help spread the word? Help yourself to one of ours!











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