Live Report: MARDELAS featuring Marina (ex DESTROSE vocal)
My anticipation was high for the Mardelas live performance happening in Kichioji, Tokyo September 27th, 2014 at a sold out livehouse Crescendo. When I mean sold out, you could not squeeze a hot dog in there. The place was completely packed. Why wouldn’t it be? This is the 2nd live performance for Marina of Mardelas after leaving the all-female rock band DESTROSE. This live performance I was about to witness would be to show everyone why she decided to leave DESTROSE, and form Mardelas.
From the start, the band performed “tight” and with “power” that definitely complemented Marina’s vocal style. The power, band presence, and skill Marina had been searching, which lacked in her previous band DESTROSE, had been found. Not to take anything away from DESTROSE, but it’s obvious with Mardelas, that Marina, as a Hard Rock / Metal vocalist, is on a different level from her previous band. She performed that evening like someone out to war, mesmerizing the packed venue with her amazing vocal range and stage presence. The rhythm section of Mardelas was pure power and skill. Both guitarist showed great technique where needed and crunching rhythms that you felt in your soul.
There is definitely a good chemistry you can see and hear with Mardelas. New songs were performed from her 1st single release with Phantasia opening the set and Daybreak mid set. Songs Marina had written during her DESTROSE days were also performed. A sweet highlight came when Mardelas performed a LOUDNESS cover of Soldier of Fortune (Mike Vecerra era). Once the last song of the set was finished with “MAZE”, and they departed stage, the venue erupted with “ENCORE” chants until the band finally came out and cranked out “Sword of Avenger”.
In short, Marina definitely made the right move in forming Mardelas. I look forward to seeing more from this amazing vocalist and amazing band in the near future.
CD Single Review
Her new CD single out now, and available at for overseas fans, delivers two amazing songs that deliver a blend of classic and current hard rock/metal sound. Opening track Daybreak is filled with drive from the beginning to end not only in the vocals, but the rhthym and lead guitar work make you wish the song would just keep on going and never end! Track 2, “Phantasia” which was used for the opening set on the September 27th live, moves you from the beginning with strong vocals, emotion, and is accompanied by a solid heavy rhythm and sweet leads through out the song.
This is definitely a 5 Star debut single for Mardelas. You can hear the chemistry with this band, and it simply is amazing. The CD is one thing, but to see them live is even magnified. If ever you get the chance, I recommend you to one, add this CD single to your collection, see them perform live if every the chance, and to keep looking out for more releases from this amazing band.
Live report & CD review by: Shion Francois, Babel Entertainment