Famed Japanese rock star and philanthropist YOSHIKI is teaming up with global live entertainment platform 17LIVE for a free livestream on Sunday, September 26th between 2:40PM and 3PM JST.

The theme will be SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Yoshiki has been appointed to the role of Global Advisor for 17LIVE and will join live from his Los Angeles home during the event to answer questions from viewers.

During a Q&A, Yoshiki will answer questions solicited in advance from 17LIVE’s LIVERs (distributors) and audience. He will talk about the possibilities created by connecting people through distribution.

Yoshiki will focus on three key themes: Charity, Music, and Living / outlook on life. While doing so, he will talk about what individuals can do to keep the weak from being left behind, and the potential that can be created by connecting people through live streaming.

“I am grateful to receive such an offer,” says Yoshiki. “While I think that social contribution activities are a big issue that cannot be ignored, I have accepted it with the hope that it will be of some help to me. I’m looking forward to 17LIVE.”

The official website for the program is found at https://jp.17.live/minnano17live/.

To watch the livestream, download the app and access the official account here at https://17.live/ja/profile/r/15999597. Click ダウンロード, read the QR code to download the app or just go to app store and download 17 LIVE.


Founded in 2015 in Taiwan, 17LIVE has expanded into Japan, Hong Kong, and beyond, seeking a wider global reach. But even as their business grows and their voracious audience of teens and young adults actively uses their platform, the company recognizes that there are other people who also need to be served, notably the elderly, children, and handicapped users. With an eye towards contributing something positive to society, the September 26th livestream will feature educational content hosted Yoshiki.

The company’s mission is to enrich people-to-people connections through live technology. 17LIVE seeks a form that people can use to spend more and more time in their daily lives without losing their connection with people through this live distribution. They will continue to work on the concept of “no one will be left behind.”