We have news on when our forum is going up, plus a handful of other updates! Did you notice that our polls changed too?
JRR wishes everyone a Happy Fourth of July~ Please be careful when using fireworks and lighting your grill.
Also, today is Gackt’s birthday. Everyone wish him "Happy Birthday"!!
Now *shuffles imaginary papers* on to the updates~
-Our forum will go live this month (July) on Friday the 13th. How cool is that?
-Our gallery will be up on Thursday, July 5th.
-A new interview from the Jrock Revolution Festival will be going up at 12:00 PM today (July 4th).
-New pictures have been added to our looping image header.
-We have two brand new polls up! Thank you for voting on our last ones, we got some great feed-back. JRR is currently deciding where to spread Jrock next; your vote helps us decide!
-Also, within the next day or so we will be doing another contest drawing, this time for an official S.K.I.N. shirt and an X Japan "The Last Live" DVD.
*To enter, you need to sign up for our Mailing List and/or Street Team. Go to www.jrockrevolution.com and click the deer wearing the Jrock Revolution Festival T-shirt. Please send any questions about this to jrock_web_probs@jrockrevolution.com.
Also, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who sent in questions for our post-JRR interview contest. To find out if we used your question(s), you’ll have to read the interviews once we publish them~