BORIS is a three-piece band hailing from Tokyo, Japan consisting of Atsuo on Drums and Vocals, Takeshi on Bass, Guitar, and Vocals, and Wata on Guitar and Vocals. What kind of genre is BORIS? Perhaps it would be better to ask what genre they aren’t. One thing that separates BORIS from a host of other bands it their adamant refusal to be pigeon-holed into any one genre. BORIS (since their forming in the early 90’s) has experimented with a variety of different styles, including Drone Metal, Sludge, Stoner Rock, Hard Rock, Ambient, Hardcore Punk, and Shoegaze. To this day, they continue to push the envelope of music while gaining more and more fans worldwide.
Drawing their name from one of their influences (a song from The Melvins album "Bullhead") the musical trio has had a long history with over a dozen full-length albums and whole slew of EPs and Singles. To give a better idea of the band’s style, their first full length album "Absolutego" had only one track, clocking in at an epic length 60 minutes and 15 seconds. On the other end of the spectrum is their 4th album "Heavy Rock". "Heavy Rock" was a departure from the band’s previous Drone and Doom sound, and instead had standard number of Stoner and Punk styled tracks.
Perhaps one of their most popular projects, the 2005 album "Pink" is generally agreed to be the most comprehensive look at BORIS’ wide array of styles and abilities. While tracks like ‘Pink’ and ‘Woman behind the Screen’ are punk and rock tunes, track 5 ‘Blackout’ is a return to their drone styled compositions. BORIS is most certainly a band who personifies the concept of ‘multi-faceted’ with their many releases and styles.
Uniquely enough, BORIS had something of a cult following overseas, having appeared in various foreign media such as Metal Hammer Magazine, and the New York Times. The band has also collaborated with a variety of other artists including Keiji Haino, Michio Kurihara, Merzbow, and United States Artist SUNN O))), making BORIS a wide spread group with an eclectic mix of experience. As the band continues to gain its following, BORIS has been breaking steadily into the main stream of music. Some of their more notable endeavors including doing a soundtrack for Jim Jarmusch’s movie, ‘The Limits of Control’ , and opening for Nine Inch Nails on the 2008 ‘Lights in the Sky’ Tour.
All in all, BORIS is a fun and unpredictable band with a lot of experience and lot of flavor. Their music is as diverse as it comes, and they can provide something great for almost everyone from every genre. In the coming year, we look forward to having BORIS as guest in the U.S., and encourage you to check them out. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
BORIS MySpace:
BORIS info at Southern Lord: