NOTICE: Everyone, please keep in mind that while our poll was to gauge interest in the bands that fans want to see in Rock Band, that’s no guarantee that any of these bands would appear as Downloadable Content (DLC) for current or future Rock Band releases. |

Ladies and gentlemen, the votes have been carefully tallied and now the results are in! This is one of the best responses we here at have ever seen. There were a total of 5,041 participants voting for over 100 artists, we cannot thank you all enough for the amazing turnout! Give yourselves a pat on the back! (Heck, if this wasn’t the internet we’d be giving the pats ourselves.)
Now here they are, the Top 20 results of Round One!
1. Dir en grey
2. the GazettE
4. L’arc~en~Ciel
5. Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~
8. D’espairsRay
10. girugämesh
11. Alice Nine
12. Nightmare
13. An Cafe
15. LM.C
17. Asian Kung Fu Generation
19. Kagrra,
20. SID
This poll was nothing short of fascinating to watch, every time we thought a certain band had cemented their spot the fans came out in droves to shake things up!
Dir en grey, the GazettE, GACKT, L’arc~en~Ciel and Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintent~ still hold their same standings, but it was definitely a tough fight! Gackt fans came at it hard, knocking the GazettE out of second place during the tally before GazettE fans retaliated and regained their position behind Dir en grey!
Honorable mentions go out to X JAPAN fans, Miyavi lovers and D’espairsRay followers! You kept at it, making sure your bands stayed in contention for the top spots! MUCC and girugämesh had a tough fight, but they broke through, claiming their spots in the top ten!
Outiside of the top ten, things seemed to remain somewhat the same, the most noticeable struggle being for the #20 spot. LUNA SEA maintained this spot for some time, which would be expected for one of the most well known Jrock bands in the industry. SID fans however, rallied together in the end, bumping the Visual Kei veterans out of their spot in the top twenty. One of the biggest surprises of the entire poll!
Again, thank you all so much for the amount of dedication and support you have shown so far. The Battle of the Fans continues on Monday with the start of Round Two! We will be taking votes to narrow down the Top 20 to the Top 10. Rally together and show everyone how much your favorite band means to you!
Article by: Jess & Kizu
Edited by: Jen M.