Before Jin Akanishi’s show in Los Angeles, sat down with him to go over a bit of the past, the present and a glimpse at his future.

JRR: You had a concert earlier this year. How did it go? Was there anything that surprised you, did anything unexpected happen?

Jin: No, it was just great.

JRR: Do you have any thoughts on the experience, it being your first concert in LA.

Jin: Ah…I only remember pieces actually, because it was so much fun. I would say it was just great.

JRR: Was performing in America different than in Japan, if so what were any differences?

Jin : No.

JRR: You’ve only recently been officially announced as a solo artist. What sort of differences are you experiencing as a solo artist compared to working in a group?

Jin: On a stage if I make a mistake, there’s nobody to cover it up. I have to take all the responsibility.

JRR: The title of your tour is Yellow Gold Tour 3010. So what concepts or ideas are you conveying with that?

Jin: The composition of my concert is “futuristic,”so that’s why I call it 3010 — it’s not a mistake! [Laugh] A lot of people thought it was a mistake.

JRR: One of your new songs is “Yellow Gold,” which is also the title of the tour. Is there any specific or special meaning for this particular song?

Jin: Mmm … I want more people to know about Tokyo, like Japan, Japanese. So, that’s the reason why I made this song called “Yellow Gold.” Means like, I’m yellow as you can see … It’s kind of a metaphor. If you wear it as an accessory or something, it makes [things] beautiful, or like, it makes your life better.

JRR: I understand that you’ve decided to not sing in Japanese during your tour in America. Can you talk more about your reasons behind that decision?

Jin: All the songs I’ve made recently are all English, [laugh] so that’s hard to put Japanese language in the music — I mean, in my songs. It’s pretty Western so, yeah.

JRR: For your show tomorrow, what can we expect from you, what sort of message are you conveying? Will there be any new songs that you’ll be singing?

Jin: Yeah, three songs. Three new songs. For this tour.

JRR: What are they be called too? And what sort of like, I guess, type of music, beat?

Jin: “Body Talk” and “The Fifth Season,” is a kind of ballad, like, kind of slow, chill. And there’s a song called “Oo-wah.” It’s more like, fun.

JRR: “Oo-wah?”

Jin: “Oo-wah.” I just made it up. Like, Oo-wah, means like, great or hot. So when I see something that is just so fine, I’ll say Oo-wah. That’s one of the lyrics.

JRR: You’re going to be performing live at Times Square for some lucky fans in attendance for MTV’s “Iggy.” Can you tell us how that opportunity came about and what you’re looking forward to?

Jin: I’m going to sing a new song which is [part of] this tour, I’m going sing one of them. I’m going to sing Yellow Gold, maybe I’m going sing three songs. But yeah, it’s going be fun. [Laugh] I don’t know how to say it.

JRR: So having the video played on the huge jumbotron screens will be a big opportunity to introduce yourself to a much wider audience. Will there be any differences in your performance there, compared to the rest of your tour?

Jin: No. It’s..I’ll do my best, always.
JRR: Do you have any new songs that you’ve been working on, or ones you’re planning to release in America, and if you have any due dates for those?

Jin: Hmm…I try to make more. Wait, you’re talking about the songs?

JRR: Yeah. If you have any in the works or any albums going to be released?

Jin: Oh! I think I’m going to release my album/single early next year.

JRR: I’ve also heard that there are rumors that you’ve been casted in this upcoming movie called Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Is this true, and what sort of role would you be playing if it is?

Jin: No, it’s not true. [Laugh]

JRR: Your interests seem more in line with an overall entertainer/performer as opposed to just singing and dancing. I was wondering, are your goals to be an actor/singer/songwriter in the U.S. or even internationally, and do you have any inspirations, or influences that encouraged your decision to be so?

Jin: Mmm … No. [Laugh] Nah. Just..

JRR: So you’re just good at it, and decided to do it? [Laugh]

Jin: Yeah.

JRR: So where do you see yourself in ten years? Or just five?

Jin: Ten years? Mmm, I’m always doing what I want to do, so just be spontaneous. Yeah, I don’t know.

JRR: Do you have a message for our audience and your fans?

Jin: Thanks for your support. So like I said, I’m going release my album and single early next year. Please check it out, and I hope I can see you soon.

Interview by: Vivian W.
Edited by: Ali W.